Source code for mplview.core

__author__ = "John Kirkham <>"
__date__ = "$Nov 01, 2016 9:19$"

import distutils

import numpy

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.figure
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.widgets

import npctypes
import npctypes.types

[docs]class MatplotlibViewer(matplotlib.figure.Figure): """ Provides a way to interact with numpy arrays pulled from neuron images. Wraps a Matplotlib figure instance. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes a MatplotlibViewer using the given figure to clone and image stack to view. After cloning, self will be the same as fig. Additional features will be attached to self. Args: args(list): arguments to be passed to parent Keyword Args: kwargs(dict): arguments to be passed to parent """ super(MatplotlibViewer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) self.viewer = self.add_axes([0.25, 0.25, 0.7, 0.7])
[docs] def set_images(self, new_neuron_images,, use_matshow=False, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Sets the images to be viewed. Args: new_neuron_images(numpy.ndarray): array of images (first index is which image) """ if (len(new_neuron_images.shape) > 3): raise ValueError( "Dimensions cannot be greater than 3. " + "Was provided new_neuron_images with \"" + str(len(new_neuron_images.shape)) + "\" dimensions." ) self.neuron_images = new_neuron_images self._cur_img_time = None self._cur_img = None self.cmap = cmap self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax type_info = npctypes.types.tinfo(new_neuron_images.dtype) if self.vmin is None: self.vmin = type_info.min else: self.vmin = numpy.asarray(self.vmin)[()] self.vmin = self.vmin.astype(new_neuron_images.dtype) if self.vmax is None: self.vmax = type_info.max else: self.vmax = numpy.asarray(self.vmax)[()] self.vmax = self.vmax.astype(new_neuron_images.dtype) self.svmin = self.vmin self.svmax = self.vmax viewer_show_method = None if use_matshow: viewer_show_method = self.viewer.matshow else: viewer_show_method = self.viewer.imshow self.image_view = viewer_show_method( self.get_image(0), cmap=self.cmap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax ) self.image_view_colorbar = self.colorbar( self.image_view, ax=self.viewer ) self.image_view_colorbar_selector = matplotlib.widgets.SpanSelector(, self.color_range_update, 'vertical', useblit=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.3, facecolor='yellow') ) if (len(self.neuron_images.shape) == 3): self.time_nav = SequenceNavigator(self, len(self.neuron_images) - 1) self.time_nav_cid = self.time_nav.on_time_update(self.time_update) self.viewer.format_coord = self.format_coord
[docs] def get_image(self, i=None): """ Gets the current image or the image if it is a projection. Args: i(int): image to retrieve (defaults to selection). Returns: numpy.ndarray: the current image. """ if (len(self.neuron_images.shape) == 3): i = self.time_nav.stime.val if i is None else i else: i = 0 if i != self._cur_img_time: cur_image = self._cur_img if (len(self.neuron_images.shape) == 3): cur_img = self.neuron_images[i] else: cur_img = self.neuron_images[...] cur_img = numpy.asarray(cur_img[...]) cur_img = cur_img.astype(float) self._cur_img_time = i self._cur_img = cur_img return(self._cur_img)
[docs] def color_range_update(self, vmin, vmax): """ Handles an update to the vmin and vmax range based on the selection provided. Args: vmin the min value selected vmax the max value selected """ if vmin != vmax: svdiff = self.svmax - self.svmin svmin = svdiff * vmin + self.svmin svmax = svdiff * vmax + self.svmin self.svmin = svmin self.svmax = svmax else: self.svmin = self.vmin self.svmax = self.vmax norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(self.svmin, self.svmax) self.image_view_colorbar.set_norm(norm) self.image_view.set_norm(norm) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def time_update(self): """ Method to be called by the SequenceNavigator when the time changes. Updates image displayed. """ if (len(self.neuron_images.shape) == 3): self.image_view.set_array(self.get_image()) self.canvas.draw_idle()
[docs] def format_coord(self, x, y): """ Include intensity when showing coordinates during mouseover. Args: x(float): cursor's x position within the image. y(float): cursor's y position within the image. Returns: str: coordinates and intensity if it can be gotten. """ try: xi = int(round(x)) yi = int(round(y)) z = self.get_image()[yi, xi] return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f, z=%1.4f'%(x, y, z) except Exception: return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f'%(x, y)
[docs]class SequenceNavigator(object): def __init__(self, fig, max_time, min_time=0, time_step=1, axcolor='lightgoldenrodyellow', hovercolor='0.975'): """ Initializes a SequenceNavigator using the given figure and a fixed number of steps. Provides a simple slider bar and buttons to navigate through time. Args: fig should be a figure that has been initialized. max_time maximum step for images. min_time minimum step for images. time_step how much to increase/decrease by for each step. axcolor color to be used for all buttons and slider bar. hovercolor color turned when mouse over occurs for any button. """ self.min_time = min_time self.max_time = max_time self.time_step = time_step self.axcolor = axcolor self.hovercolor = hovercolor self.next_cid = 0 mpl_ver = distutils.version.LooseVersion(matplotlib.__version__) mpl_2_ver = distutils.version.LooseVersion("2") fig_axes_kwargs = {} axcolor_name = "facecolor" if mpl_ver >= mpl_2_ver else "axisbg" fig_axes_kwargs[axcolor_name] = self.axcolor self.axtime = fig.add_axes( [0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], **fig_axes_kwargs ) self.stime = matplotlib.widgets.Slider( self.axtime, 'Time', self.min_time, self.max_time, valinit=self.min_time, valfmt='%i' ) self.stime.on_changed(self.time_update) self.beginax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) self.begin_button = matplotlib.widgets.Button( self.beginax, 'Begin', color=self.axcolor, hovercolor=self.hovercolor ) self.begin_button.on_clicked(self.begin_time) self.prevax = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) self.prev_button = matplotlib.widgets.Button( self.prevax, 'Prev', color=self.axcolor, hovercolor=self.hovercolor ) self.prev_button.on_clicked(self.prev_time) self.nextax = fig.add_axes([0.7, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) self.next_button = matplotlib.widgets.Button( self.nextax, 'Next', color=self.axcolor, hovercolor=self.hovercolor ) self.next_button.on_clicked(self.next_time) self.endax = fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) self.end_button = matplotlib.widgets.Button( self.endax, 'End', color=self.axcolor, hovercolor=self.hovercolor ) self.end_button.on_clicked(self.end_time) self.callbacks = {}
[docs] def begin_time(self, event): """ Sets time to min_time. Args: event Matplotlib event that caused the call to this callback. """ self.time_update(self.min_time) assert (self.min_time == self.stime.val)
[docs] def prev_time(self, event): """ Sets time to one time_step prior. Args: event Matplotlib event that caused the call to this callback. """ self.time_update(self.stime.val - self.time_step)
[docs] def next_time(self, event): """ Sets time to one time_step after. Args: event Matplotlib event that caused the call to this callback. """ self.time_update(self.stime.val + self.time_step)
[docs] def end_time(self, event): """ Sets time to max_time. Args: event Matplotlib event that caused the call to this callback. """ self.time_update(self.max_time) assert (self.max_time == self.stime.val)
[docs] def normalize_val(self, val): """ Takes the time value and normalizes it to fit within the range. Then, makes sure it is a discrete number of steps from the min_time. Args: val float position from the slider bar to correct Returns: int: the normalized value. """ if val < self.min_time: return(self.min_time) elif val > self.max_time: return(self.max_time) else: return(int(round((val - self.min_time) / self.time_step)))
[docs] def time_update(self, val): """ Takes the time value and normalizes it within the range if it does not fit. Args: val float position from slider bar to move to """ val = self.normalize_val(val) if val != self.stime.val: self.stime.set_val(val) for each_cid, each_callback in self.callbacks.items(): each_callback()
[docs] def disconnect(self, cid): """ Disconnects the given cid from being notified of time updates. Args: cid ID of callback to pull """ del self.callbacks[cid]
[docs] def on_time_update(self, func): """ Registers a callback function for notification when the time is updated. Args: func(callable): function call when the time is updated Returns: int: a callback ID or cid to allow pulling the callback when no longer necessary. """ cid = self.next_cid self.next_cid += 1 self.callbacks[cid] = func return(cid)